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UARS Reentry - Druckversion

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UARS Reentry - Astrofan80 - 22.09.2011

Pünktlich zum Wochenende wird ein ausgedienter Satellit zur Erde zurückkehren und nicht vollständig verglühen. Der Absturzort und Zeit ist nach wie vor mit großen Unsicherheiten behaftet. Die NASA gibt für den Reentry des Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite den 23. September 2011 an.

[Bild: 584109main_UARS_2_226-170.jpg]

Mehr zum Thema auf Jan Hattenbachs Blog "Himmelslichter" und auf der Seite der NASA.

RE: UARS Reentry - Astrofan80 - 22.09.2011 hat ebenfalls Updates zum UARS Reentry

Zitat:NASA has issued an update on the condition of the decaying UARS satellite: "As of 1:30 p.m. EDT Sept. 21, 2011, the orbit of UARS was 120 mi by 130 mi (190 km by 205 km). Re-entry is expected sometime during the afternoon of Sept. 23, Eastern Daylight Time. The satellite will not be passing over North America during that time period. It is still too early to predict the time and location of re-entry with any more certainty, but predictions will become more refined in the next 24 to 48 hours."
Satellite tracking expert Ted Molczan has used USSTRATCOM's orbital elements of UARS to predict a decay time "late on Sep 23, roughly between 18:00 and 22:00 UTC." Click on the map to view ground tracks corresponding to this interval:

[Bild: groundtracks.jpg]

RE: UARS Reentry - Astrofan80 - 28.09.2011

UARS ist demnach im Südpazifik versenkt worden...

Zitat:NASA’s decommissioned Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite fell back to Earth at 12 a.m. EDT (0400 GMT), as Friday, Sept. 23, turned to Saturday, Sept. 24 on the United States east coast. The Joint Space Operations Center at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California has determined the satellite entered the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean at 14.1 degrees south latitude and 189.8 degrees east longitude (170.2 west longitude). This location is over a broad, remote ocean area in the Southern Hemisphere, far from any major land mass.